相对原子质量(relative atomic mass):以一个碳-12原子质量的1/12作为标准,任何一个原子的真实质量跟一个碳-12原子质量的1/12的比值,称为该原子的相对原子质量。
RAM: Relative Atomic Mass (原子量) 百度百科中的词条内容仅供参考,如果您需要解决具体问题(尤其在法律、医学等领域),建议您咨询相关领域专业人士。
... 相对于份子质量 relative molecular mass 相对于原子质量 relative atomic mass 消去反应 elimination reaction ...
The relative atomic mass 相对原子质量
average relative atomic mass 平均相对原子质量
relative atomic formula mass 相对原子质量
relative e atomic mass 相对原子质量
同义词: atomic weight
以上来源于: WordNet
N the ratio of the average mass per atom of the naturally occurring form of an element to one-twelfth the mass of an atom of carbon-12 原子量 ( symbol: abbr: r.a.m.Former name atomic weight)
The product of a solid element's relative atomic mass and its specific heat capacity is approximately 6.4.
In the first class, we reviewed last class 'content which were relative atomic mass and relative formula mass.
The average mass of an atom of an element, usually expressed relative to the mass of carbon 2, which is assigned 2 atomic mass units.